Foster Parent FAQs
What are the requirements for being a foster parent?
There are a few requirements that each foster parent must meet:
- Foster parents must be at least 21 years of age and in good physical and mental health.
- Must be able to support themselves financially
- Willingness to assist and support the foster children’s contact with their birth parents
- They assist in reuniting them with their families or prepare them for permanent homes through adoption.
- Children are placed in foster homes by matching their needs with the foster parents’ or families’ situations or requirements.
What types of children are in foster care?
Children of all ages, origins, ethnicity, and backgrounds are waiting to be fostered.
Does it cost a lot of money to be a foster parent?
There are minimal financial costs associated with being a foster parent. Foster parents receive a monthly stipend to care for the child. Children are covered for medical and dental services. Financial help with recreational and educational activities is available.
What types of people are foster parents?
Single, married, working, retired, homeowners, renters – everyday local adults just like you foster children.
Will the foster care process take a long time?
The length of time will vary, depending on the procedures involved in each situation. The process usually includes:
- Attending an informational meeting and completing an application
- Completion of a conveniently scheduled 5-week hybrid pre-service training program PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education)
- Participating in a home study
What’s a home study?
A home study is the synopsis of the information compiled on the prospective foster parent, including but not limited to:
- References
- Background check
- Health screening
- A brief biography of family history
Still, have questions? Contact Brevard Family Partnership at 321-752-4650 today.