Dear Friends and Partners,
I am pleased to report that in an effort to return to the spirit and intent of Community Based Care, communities coming together to care for their own, the Brevard Family Partnership (BFP) Board of Directors has determined it is in the best interest of Brevard’s children and families to bring case management under local control. In order to accomplish this, a new BFP 501(c)(3) subsidiary, Family Allies, Inc., will assume case management services effective July 1, 2017.
This decision was made in response to our community’s desire to ensure the presence of local leadership and decision making; and to improve integration and adherence to the local System of Care (SOC) principles, priorities and practice. This decision has been met with overwhelming community support. BFP Board chair Eric Smith noted, “The BFP Board rightfully determined that Brevard’s children and families will be best served by a case management model that is led and governed by local leadership who live, work and are personally invested in our community.”
There are currently seven Community Based Care lead agencies in Florida that operate case management in one form or another. However, Brevard is the first to bring case management under local control after having outsourced it for 13 years. The landscape has changed dramatically since the Brevard child welfare system was first privatized in 2005 and agencies like ours have had to adapt to meet the changing needs of the communities they serve. This includes aligning the SOC with the strategic priorities set by the local community.
It is the intent of Family Allies, Inc. to hire all existing case management agency employees to ensure a seamless transition and continuity of care. Most of these workers are Brevard residents who have been serving the children and families in our community for a long time. This seamless transition will provide local, accessible, onsite leadership to support the dedicated professionals and most valuable resources who care for Brevard’s children and families daily.
I am pleased to announce that Andrea Betting, L.C.S.W., and Managing Director of Operations of Florida Adoption Center, will serve as the Board Chair of Family Allies, Inc. The two other founding Family Allies board members include: Leigh Holt, foster and adoptive parent, and community activist who played a lead role in the formation of CBC of Brevard, and Stephanie Strodtman, a mother, a professional and a passionate child advocate.
Bill Bucher has been appointed the Executive Director of Family Allies, Inc. Mr. Bucher is a 19-year veteran of child welfare operations. He held progressive leadership roles in Brevard County with the Florida Department of Children and Families and as a Regional Administrator with Devereux Florida. At Devereux, Mr. Bucher was responsible for case management operations with multiple CBC organizations, inclusive of Brevard County, as well as licensing, visitation, and therapeutic programs and services. He has served as the Senior Executive of Strategy for Brevard Family Partnership since September 2015.
Family Allies, Inc. will join Brevard C.A.R.E.S. and the National Center for Innovation and Excellence, under the Brevard Family Partnership umbrella of agencies, led by myself. As the founding CEO of BFP, I have resided in Brevard County and served at BFP for 13 years.
According to former Brevard County Manager and 13-year BFP Board member Stockton Whitten, “this move ensures the children and families entrusted to our care receive the very best we have to offer, and that is a locally managed and operated case management agency whose corporate office and Board are embedded in Brevard.”
Should you have any questions about the impending transition please feel free to contact me. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Thank you for your support,
Dr. Patricia Nellius
CEO, Brevard Family Partnership